结果:经量化分析后,与正视组相比,高度近视组的SCPVD值减小(P<0.001); 高度远视组DCPVD值增大(P=0.004); 高度近视组ART值减小(P<0.001); 屈光不正组的CRT值与正视组相比无差异(P>0.05)。SCPVD可作为独立的因素与ART呈正相关(r=0.274,P<0.01)。
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AIM: To quantitatively analyze the macular area blood perfusion and retinal thickness of school-age children in each ametropia group by using OCT angiography technology, in order to evaluate the effect of the changes of refractive state on the macular area blood perfusion and retinal thickness during the growth and development of school-age children.
METHODS: In this study, 174 eyes were randomly selected from school-age children who were treated in the ophthalmic clinic from July 2018 to March 2019. The superficial retinal capillary of vessel density(SCPVD), deep retinal capillary of vessel density(DCPVD), central retinal thickness(CRT)and average retinal thickness(ART)were quantitatively analyzed using by OCT angiography technology. Additionally, the correlation between blood vessel density in macular area and retinal thickness was analyzed.
RESULTS: After quantitatively analysis, compared with emmetropia group, the SCPVD value of the high myopia group was decreased(P<0.001). The DCPVD value of the hyperopia group was increased(P=0.004). The ART value of high myopia group was decreased(P<0.001).There was no significant difference in CRT values between the ametropia group and the emmetropia group(P>0.05). SCPVD was positively correlated with ART as an independent factor(r=0.274, P<0.01).
CONCLUSION:In the process of refractive development, SCPVD of children with high myopia decreases and ART becomes thinner. Moreover, SCPVD can be an independent factor positively correlated with ART during the whole refractive development. This suggests that the retina of school-age children with high myopia has presented pathological changes.