方法:横断面研究。连续纳入2018-09/2020-12在河南省立眼科医院诊断为圆锥角膜的患者247例345眼,平均年龄24.51±6.38岁。根据年龄将患者分为≤20岁组、21~30岁组和≥31岁组。采用Amsler-Krumeich(AK)分级将圆锥角膜严重程度分为AK1、AK2、AK3和AK4。测量患者视力、角膜平坦曲率(K1)、角膜陡峭曲率(K2)、角膜平均曲率(Km)、最薄点角膜厚度(TCT)。应用角膜生物力学分析仪(Corvis ST)测量患者的角膜SP-A1以及眼压、最大形变振幅(DA Max)、第1次压平时间(A1T)、第1次压平速度(A1V)、第2次压平时间(A2T)、第2次压平速度(A2V)、凹面半径(Radius)、生物力学校正眼压(bIOP)。采用Spearman秩相关分析SP-A1与其他参数的相关性。采用单因素方差分析比较不同年龄组以及不同疾病严重程度间SP-A1差异。
结果:不同年龄组间性别构成比、最佳矫正视力(LogMAR)、眼压、K1、K2、Km、TCT和严重程度分级比较差异无统计学差异(P>0.05)。圆锥角膜患者SP-A1与年龄呈弱的正相关(rs=0.137, P=0.011)。≥31岁组患者角膜SP-A1显著高于≤20岁组和21~30岁组(P<0.05)。≤20岁和21~30岁组中SP-A1与K1、K2和Km呈负相关,≥31岁组中SP-A1仅与K2呈负相关(P<0.05)。此外,总人群及各年龄组中SP-A1与DA Max、A1V和A2T呈负相关(P<0.05),与TCT、眼压、bIOP、A1T、A2V和Radius呈正相关(P<0.05)。随着疾病严重程度的增加年龄≤20岁组和21~30岁组圆锥角膜患者的SP-A1逐渐降低(P<0.05)。年龄≥31岁的圆锥角膜患者,AK1组与AK4组、AK2组与AK3组、AK2组与AK4组SP-A1的比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.008、0.035、0.001)。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the characteristics of corneal stiffness parameters at the first applanation(SP-A1)in keratoconus patients among different age groups and severity classification groups.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study. Three hundred and forty-five eyes of 247 consecutive keratoconus patients diagnosed in Henan Eye Hospital were enrolled during September 2018 to December 2020. The mean age was(24.51±6.38)years. According to age, the subjects were divided into ≤20 years group, 21-30 years group and ≥31 years group. The severity of keratoconus was divided into AK1, AK2, AK3 and AK4 by Amsler krumeich(AK)classification method. The visual acuity, corneal flat curvature(K1), corneal steep curvature(K2), average corneal curvature(Km)and the thinnest corneal thickness(TCT)were measured. The SP-A1, intraocular pressure(IOP), deformation amplitude max(DA Max), velocity at the first applanation(A1V), time at the first applanation(A1T), time at the second applanation(A2T), velocity at the second applanation(A2V), biomechanical corrected IOP(bIOP), and Radius were measured by Corneal Visualization Scheimpflug Technology(Corvis ST). The correlation between SP-A1 and other parameters were analyzed by Spearman rank correlation, and one-way ANOVA was used to analyze the difference of SP-A1 among different age groups or disease severity groups.
RESULTS: No statistically differences of gender, visual acuity, IOP, K1, K2, Km, TCT and disease severity classification were found among different age groups(P>0.05). The SP-A1 was positively related to age(rs=0.137, P=0.011). The SP-A1 of keratoconus patients in the ≥31 years group was significantly higher than that in the ≤20 years group and 21-30 years group(P<0.05). SP-A1 was negatively correlated with K1, K2 and Km in patients in the ≤20 years group and 21-30 years group, while SP-A1 was negatively correlated with K2 in patients in the ≥31 years group(P<0.05). In addition, SP-A1 was negatively correlated with DA Max, A1V and A2T, and positively correlated with TCT, IOP, bIOP, A1T, A2V and Radius. With the increase of disease severity, the SP-A1 values gradually decreased in patients in the ≤20 years group and 21-30 years group(P<0.05). The values of SP-A1 between AK1 and AK4, AK2 and AK3, AK2 and AK4 were statistically different(P=0.008, 0.035, 0.001).
CONCLUSION: The value of SP-A1 in keratoconus was positively correlated with age. In patients less than 30 years old, the SP-A1 decreased with the increase of disease severity.
河南省中青年卫生健康科技创新杰出青年人才培养项目(No.YXKC2020023); 河南省医学科技攻关计划省部共建项目(No.SBGJ202002028); 河南省医学科技攻关计划联合共建项目(No.LHGJ20200066); 河南省立眼科医院基础研究重点专项(No.20JCZD003); 2020年度郑州大学青年教师(自然科学)基础研究培育基金(No.JC202051049)