方法:横断面研究。2019-05/12在新疆部分地区采取立意抽样调查41所学校,其中20所小学、21所中学,最终共纳入71 838名儿童青少年作为调查对象进行相关眼部检查。
结果:71 838名学生检出散光(柱镜度≤-0.50D)35 888名,散光检出率49.96%,其中在不同年龄、性别、教育程度、地区及民族之间散光检出率比较有差异(均P<0.001)。7~16岁之间随着年龄的增加散光检出率呈上升趋势,16岁达到最高为57.60%,16~19岁散光检出率呈下降趋势,散光检出率总体随着年龄增长呈上升趋势; 随着教育程度的增加散光检出率呈上升趋势,且男生散光检出率(51.25%)高于女生(48.62%),省会城市散光检出率(50.99%)高于非省会城市(48.05%); 汉族散光检出率(53.41%)高于维吾尔族(40.17%)、哈萨克族(48.23%)、柯尔克孜族(45.56%)、回族(48.87%)等; 散光类型主要以顺规散光为主(74.53%),且随着年龄的增加顺规散光构成比呈下降趋势,而逆规散光及斜向散光构成比呈上升趋势。Logistic回归分析最终结果显示年龄、性别、民族、地区及教育程度均是散光的影响因素。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the status of astigmatism in children and adolescents aged 7-19 years in some areas of Xinjiang, and to analyze the distribution of astigmatism in children and adolescents in Xinjiang.
METHODS: Cross-sectional study. This study took a purposive sampling survey of 41 schools in some areas of Xinjiang, including 20 primary schools and 21 middle schools, from May 2019 to December 2019. A total of 71 838 children and adolescents were included as the survey objects for relevant eye examinations.
RESULTS: Among 71 838 students, 35 888 were found to have astigmatism(column ≤ -0.50D), and the astigmatism detection rate was 49.96%. The differences of astigmatism detection rate among different ages, genders, education levels, regions and ethnic groups were statistically significant(all P<0.001). The detection rate of astigmatism increased with age from 7-16 years old, and reached the highest rate of 57.60% at 16 years old. The detection rate of astigmatism decreased from 16-19 years old, and the overall detection rate of astigmatism increased with age. With the increase of education level, the detection rate of astigmatism increases, and the detection rate of male astigmatism(51.25%)is higher than that of female astigmatism(48.62%). The detection rate of astigmatism in provincial capital cities(50.99%)is higher than that in non-provincial capital cities(48.05%); the detection rate of astigmatism in Han(53.41%)was higher than that in Uyghur(40.17%), Kazakhs(48.23%), Kyrgys(45.56%)and Hui(48.87%). The astigmatism type was mainly with-the-rule astigmatism(74.53%), and with the increase of age, the composition ratio of with-the-rule astigmatism decreased, while the composition ratio of against-the-rule astigmatism and oblique astigmatism increased. The final results of Logistic regression analysis showed that age, gender, nationality, region and education level were all influential factors of astigmatism.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of astigmatism in children and adolescents aged 7-19 years in some areas of Xinjiang is 49.96%, and the astigmatism is mainly with-the-rule astigmatism(74.53%). Age, gender, nationality, region and education level are the influential factors of astigmatism.
新疆维吾尔自治区创新环境建设专项项目(No.PT1905); 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金资助项目(No.2019D01C176)