方法:前瞻性研究。选取2022-03/08于安徽爱尔眼科医院门诊就诊的初次配戴角膜塑形镜患者82例82眼(均取右眼数据),根据随机数字表法分为玻璃酸钠组(玻钠组)30眼、地夸磷索钠组(地夸组)24眼和地夸磷索钠联合玻璃酸钠组(联合组)28眼,各组患者均配戴同一品牌的角膜塑形镜。每位患者分别在配戴角膜塑形镜前,配戴后1 d,1 wk,1 mo进行非接触式泪膜破裂时间(NIBUT)、非接触式泪河高度(NITMH)和脂质层厚度检查,并记录患者是否有角膜点染。
结果:联合组与地夸组治疗1 mo的NITMH与NIBUT较配戴前升高(均P<0.05)。配戴1 mo,联合组的NIBUT和NITMH分别为19.74±3.29 s和0.30±0.05 mm,均优于地夸组(NIBUT:16.09±2.98 s,NITMH:0.22±0.08 mm)和玻钠组(NIBUT:15.67±3.90 s,NITMH:0.22±0.04 mm)(均P<0.01)。各组间脂质层厚度均无明显差异(均P>0.05)。各组患者角膜点染发生率无明显区别(P>0.05)。
结论:地夸磷索钠滴眼液联合玻璃酸钠滴眼液在配戴角膜塑形镜后1 mo对改善NIBUT和NITMH有更佳的效果,有效提高配戴角膜塑形镜患者的泪膜稳定性。
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AIM:To investigate the effect of diquafosol sodium(SD)eye drops combined with sodium hyaluronate eye drops on improving tear film stability after wearing orthokeratology lenses.
METHODS:Prospective study. A total of 82 patients(82 right eyes)who were recruited from the outpatient department of Anhui Aier Eye Hospital from March to August 2022. Participants were assigned to three groups: sodium hyaluronate(SH)group(30 eyes), SD group(24 eyes), and sodium diquafosol combined with sodium hyaluronate(CG)group(28 eyes)according to random number table method. All groups wore the same brand of orthokeratology lens. Non-invasive tear breakup time(NIBUT), non-invasive tear meniscus height(NITMH)and lipid layer thickness were examined before treatment, and after wearing orthokeratology lens for 1 d, 1 wk, and 1 mo. Corneal spot staining was also recorded.
RESULTS:The NITMH and NIBUT of CG group and the SD group at 1 mo after treatment were higher than those before wearing lenses(both P<0.05), and the NIBUT and NITMH of the CG group were 19.74±3.29 s and 0.30±0.05 mm, respectively, which were better than those of the SD group(NIBUT: 16.09±2.98 s, NITMH: 0.22±0.08 mm)and the SH group(NIBUT: 15.67±3.90 s, NITMH: 0.22±0.04 mm; all P<0.01). There were no significant differences in lipid layer thickness between the groups(all P>0.05). The incidence of corneal staining did not differ significantly among the groups(P>0.05).
CONCLUSION:The combination of diquafosol sodium and sodium hyaluronate eye drops demonstrates a superior effect in improving NIBUT and NITMH after wearing orthokeratology lenses for 1 mo, effectively enhancing tear film stability in patients wearing orthokeratology lenses.