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国际眼科杂志出版社(IJO Press)是全球唯一的眼科专业期刊出版商,由亚非眼科学会信息专员/著名眼科专家胡秀文教授于2003年在中国西安创立,并出任社长/总编辑。中国医药教育协会眼科专业委员会名誉主任委员/空军军医大学全军眼科研究所惠延年教授和国际眼科理事会前任主席、国际眼科科学院和德国科学院双院士Prof.PeterWiedemann任共同主编。目前出版International Journal of Ophthalmology和《国际眼科杂志》两种眼科学术期刊。
International Journal of Ophthalmology—IJO (英文版,ISSN:2222-3959)是我国第一种被SCI收录的眼科专业期刊,填补了我国SCI眼科期刊的空白,现为月刊。现被SCIE、PubMed、PMC、CA、Scopus、EMBASE、IC等数据库收录,入选了中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划D类项目并多次被评为中国最具国际影响力学术期刊。
《国际眼科杂志》(International Eye Science – IES,CN:61-1419/R, ISSN:1672-5123)是中英文混合版眼科专业学术期刊,月刊。现为中国科技核心期刊、中国学术期刊Q1区期刊及陕西省精品期刊和陕西省高校精品期刊;并被Scopus、Embase、DOAJ、IC、CA和WPRIM等多种国内外权威性检索系统收录。
网址: www.ijo.cn; 电子邮箱: ijopress@163.com; ijo2000@126.com
电话: 029-82245172/85205906
Brief Introduction on IJO Press
International Journal of Ophthalmology Press (IJO Press) is the only ophthalmological professional journal publisher in the world. It was founded by an eminent ophthalmologist—Prof. Xiu-Wen Hu in 2003, Xi’an, China, and approved by the Chinese government. Now we are publishing two academic periodicals in Ophthalmology: IJO and IES.
1. International Journal of Ophthalmology—IJO (English edition, ISSN:2222-3959) is a global ophthalmological scientific publication indexed in SCIE, PubMed, PMC, CA, Scopus, EMBASE, IC etc., and also selected as The Highest International Impact Academic Journal of China.
2. International Eye Science—IES (Guoji Yanke Zazhi, ISSN:1672-5123) is a Chinese-English-mixed Ophthalmological publication indexed in Scopus, EMBASE, CA, IC, DOAJ, WPRIM of WHO, China Core Periodical of Science and Technology.
IJO Press is the cooperative institution of ICO, AACO, APAO, AAO, COS, NLM and Clarivate etc. And it is also the teaching base of Xi’an Medical University and Xinxiang Medical University. IJO Press obtains guidance and support from ICO, AACO, APAO and others. Our authors, reviewers and readers are all over the world.
IJO Press
Add.: Wanda Plaza, No.8 Yanta North Road, Xi’an 710054, P. R. China
Web: www.ijo.cn; E-mail: ijopress@163.com; ijo2000@126.com
Tel: 8629-82210956/85569828